One of the primary advantages of working with an external marketing company is that you’re getting a team of marketing professionals, and in the case of CMOco, typically for the cost of one internal marketing employee. In most cases, the scope of work far exceeds the expertise of one person alone. So why hire a mid-level marketing employee with limited skills who will end up outsourcing most of the work they need done, costing you much more than you anticipated?

By working with a marketing company, you’re getting access to pooled resources for the same cost it would take you to hire a single person. The executive team at CMOco consists of highly-experienced strategic marketers, digital marketing experts, designers, media planners and content developers who work to promote your business. Marketing companies may specialize in different areas or offer multiple different services.

Services CMOco offers include the following:

– Strategic Marketing
– Social Media
– Advertising Campaigns
– Digital Marketing
– Website Design
– Content Marketing
– Brand Identity
– Video Production

Marketing Company Tools of the Trade

In addition to people, digital marketing requires tools that are not just computers and keyboards, but also software. For an internal marketer to attempt to replicate the work of an entire marketing company, they’ll need access to all of these tools. The cost of this can add up quickly.

Beyond that, the internal marketer needs to know how to successfully operate the tools. That could mean spending time and money on training courses. New tools are launching regularly; this means even an experienced marketer needs to keep their skills up-to-date.

An Outside Perspective

In our experience, having an outside perspective is very beneficial. A marketing company can provide you with research about what your competitors are doing, what’s working and what will help you stand out.

Most agencies work within multiple industries, which allows them to take lessons learned from one and apply them to the other and vice-versa. This also allows invaluable insight and experience in your specific industry.

Keeping Up with a Fast-Changing Marketing World

Digital marketing is a constantly changing field with updates, new platforms and strategies to keep up with, and a team is much better equipped to do so. At CMOco, not only are we constantly watching out for news or trends, but we can also measure the impact of these changes on our campaigns.

Each company’s marketing needs are different, yours included. There isn’t much of anything that CMOco can’t do to market, advertise, publicize or grow your business. With us on your team you’ll have a seasoned, results-driven CMO backed by a skilled marketing team managing your monthly marketing and advertising activities.

To learn more about how CMOco can elevate your marketing and be the total solution to your marketing needs, check out our website and review our case studies. You can also get in contact with us online or call at 865-522-4814. We’d love to hear from you.