video production

From TV commercials, to corporate videos, to product and process animation, CMOco has the internal expertise to bring your brand to life through live-action video and animation. We manage your video projects from start-to-finish. Our in-house team has a combined 60 years of video production and TV content development experience.
Our video team is equipped with:
- A DSLR camera capable of capturing stunning 4K 60fps and 1080p 120fps footage
- A versatile 28-70mm lens
- A professional three-point lighting setup for optimal visual clarity in various shooting environments
- We ensure smooth and stable shots using a fluid head tripod
- Dual lavalier microphones capture clear and precise audio for every subject
- A teleprompter is utilized for seamless script delivery
We specialize in creating:
- Digital advertisements
- Educational and training videos
- Social media content
Our videos are dynamic, engaging, polished, and tailored to your specific needs.
Television Commercials

LCUB What It Takes - 1

LCUB - Fiber to the Home Broadband (Main)

Parkview - Day In The Life at Parkview Senior Living

Parkview Senior Living

Great Smoky Mountains National Park - PSA 1 - Park It Forward

Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Preservation PSA 2 - Park It Forward

Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Preservation PSA 1 - Park It Forward

Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Info 2 PSA

Rusty Wallace Toyota - Moving Up

Rusty Wallace Ford - Nice People

Corporate Videos

Stubble - Shane Sells the Brand

JHD Full Experience Video


FoxFire Mountain 60 Second

Lighting Solutions


JHD Testimonial 3

JHD Testimonial 2

JHD Testimonial 1

LCUB Testimonial w/Jennifer and John

LCUB Testimonial w/John

LCUB Testimonial w/Jennifer

LCUB Testimonial w/Lisa and Al

LCUB Testimonial w/Al - 30s

Stubble Testimonial Video 1

Stubble Testimonial 2

Parkview Testimonial - 2

Parkview Testimonial - 1

Parkview Testimonial - 4

Parkview Testimonial - 5


LCUB Business

LCUB Managed Wifi

LCUB What is Fiber Broadband

LCUB Coming Video 2024

Microbial Insights - Super Heroes of Remediation

Microbial Insights - Mythbusters

Microbial Insights - How Does SIP Work

Microbial Insights - Accurate Precise qPCR Results

3DIQ for Bullhorn

LCUB Power Flickers

LCUB - What Causes Power Outages

LCUB Power Restoration Process

Social Media

Stubble - Before and After Haircut

Stubble - Every Teen Boy's Hair

Stubble - The Perfect Shave

Stubble - Marc Nelson Pop-Up

grow Knoxville - Hair Color/Eye Color

grow Knoxville - What Not to Wear to Your Hair Appointment

grow Knoxville - We Don't Judge

grow Knoxville - Savannah Nine Employee Introduction

grow Knoxville - Morgan Boswell Employee Introduction

grow Knoxville - Kymiyah Turney Employee Introduction

grow Knoxville - How the Owner Walks In

grow Knoxville Hair Oil Tutorial

grow Knoxville Dream Client

grow Brooklyn McMillan Employee Introduction