your utility agency

CMOco specializes in marketing & advertising for utility conpanies. Effective marketing enables utilities to strategically connect with their customers. From fostering positive customer sentiment, to communicating outages effectively, and highlighting community involvement.


CMOco has extensive experience in the utilities sector and we collaborate with utility organizations to craft comprehensive strategies for effectively advertising their services within the community. We tailor our approach to align with state regulations, whether you’re in a competitive market or focused on engaging customers and fostering positive sentiment. Our team of professionals will guide you through every step, ensuring your success.

      • Strategic planning
      • Forecasting & budgeting
      • SWOT analysis 
      • Industry trends analysis
      • Competitive landscape analysis
      • Value proposition & key differentiators identification
      • Branding & messaging recommendations
      • Target customer segmentation
      • Media planning and placement 
      • Digital advertising strategies
      • Press/Media relations and releases
      • Strategic marketing directives and tactics
      • Professional high-quality video & television production
      • Robust website design, development and integration
      • Targeted social media marketing
      • Intrusive guerilla marketing
      • Eye-catching printed marketing designs and content
    Commercial Real Estate experience


    The way you present youself to your utility customers says a lot about who you are as a business. It’s important to portray the right image, and convey the right message about your business. It’s also important that your branding be consistent across all cunsumer touchpoints to ensure your message resonates. CMOco works with Utility providers to determine what sets you apart from your competitiors and how best to showcase your utility company. From logo development, to slogan creation, to brand representation across your building, fleet, and all customer utreach platforms, CMOco can guide you in the right direction. 

    LCUB built an entirely new complex and CMOco worked with them to promote the new space and the benefits of the new space to their customers.
    LCUB branding on a humvee
    CMOco created the branding for LCUB that was utilized on all of their bucket trucks.

    Website Design and Development

    When you need a great looking informational website to showcase your utility services, CMOco can make it happen! We will remove the entire burden from you and deliver a high quality, low maintenance, beautifully designed website that helps grow your business.

    LCUB Website - Homepage
    Logan County Website Design

    Television Production

    CMOco has developed numerous videos (both for commercial broadcast and for educational purposes) for utility companies. We use a variety of techniques; character animation, word typography, live action, documentary and personality driven. We write, produce, direct and oversee all production. Let us bring your products and services to life through video!

    YouTube player

    Content Creation

    CMOco leverages direct email, direct mail, blogging, bill stuffer literature, refrigerator magnets, and more to reach utility customers and communicate important information. We first determine the best approach for communicating a specific message and then decide what’s the best method for getting that message DIRECTLY in front of the utility customer in a way that stands out and gets noticed. We are constantly brainstorming new and fresh ways to be unique and capture customer’s attention.

    LCUB Complete Guide to Power Outages - Cover page
    LCUB Pitch Presentation
    LCUB print ad
    LCUB print ad
    Logan Country Print Ad
    LCUB Pitch Presentation
    LCUB Print ad

    Educational Videos

    Your customers wants answers; answers to why there are power outages, what’s the process for restoring power, why their lights flicker, and programs you offer to simplify your customers life. CMOco will develop, script, and produce videos for your utility company based on your services and what you want to message to your customers.

    Social Media

    Leverage social media whenever you can to get the word out about your company. Especially for a utility company to share energy savings tips and to promote a new service line like fiber broadband. We know it’s super time consuming and hard to come up with good content. But, that’s what we are here for! CMOco will determine which social platforms make the most sense for your business (not all will). Then we utilize those platforms with both organic and paid tactics to maximize your share of voice and reach as many of your target consumers as possible.

    LCUB Organic Social Media Post
    ORUD Organic Instagram Post
    LCUB Organic Social Post
    ORUD Organic FB Post
    LCUB Lineworkers Social Post
    LCUB Organic Social Post
    LCUB "Get Unplugged" social media post
    ORUD Organic FB Post

    Digital Advertising

    Digital display, retargeting, SMS, SEM, and the list keeps getting longer every year! It is the digital age, and it’s time you got on board. Tap into digital marketing initiatives that are measurable and flexible and can expand and contract with your business as needed. There are so many options and not every approach will be best for you. Based on your target consumer, CMOco will assess and recommend that best digital marketing strategy for you that will deliver the best results for your money!

    LCUB Broadband Survey Ad
    LCUB Broadband Survey Ad
    LCUB Broadband Survey Ad
    LCUB Broadband Survey Ad


    Probably one of the most important communication outlets for utility providers is the local news media in the communities they serve. It’s critical to communicate in real-time power outage information, any service interruptions, or impacts of a severe storm. In addition, it’s also critical that utility providers communicate transparently and in advance regarding increases in fees, advances or changes in technology, or even the expansion of services such a bill-pay kiosks. Given utility providers impact hundred’s of thousands of people, it’s important that you have well-crafted and professional message to the media, and leverage the media to help keep customers informed. CMOco has vast experience in this area, even in an advisory capacity regarding sensitive topics.

    LCUB built an entirely new complex and CMOco worked with them to promote the new space and the benefits of the new space to their customers.
    CMOco created the branding for LCUB that was utilized on all of their bucket trucks.

    Case Study

    The case study below highlights how CMOco has worked with LCUB, a major municipal utility provider in East Tennessee. CMOco has provided strategic marketing guidance for comprehensive customer relationship management, evolved their branding, developed consumer facing advertising campaigns, updated their website and so much more.